Monday, April 5, 2010

The Eight Main Kunjas Surrounding Radha-kunda

Situated in all directions on the banks of Radha-kunda are the eight forest groves, or kunjas, of the Eight Main Gopis, The Astha Sakhis. These are Sri Radha's dearest friends...Lalita, Vishakha, Champakalata, Indulekha, Chitra, Rangadevi, Tungavidya and Sudevi.

Each one of Those Gopi has personally designed and decorated her kujja in order to deliver unlimited happiness to The Divine Couple, Radha and Krishna.

Lalita's Kunja

Lalita's entire kunja is shaped like one large lotus flower, and the joy of all seasons can be experienced her. There are platforms made of gold , lapis-lazuli, sapphires, crystals. Rubies etc. In her kunja sits the famous 'Padma-mandira', The Lotus Temple – a three-storied intricate structure with sixteen richly appointed rooms on two floors. On the top floor is an open air veranda affording a panoramic view of Vraja.

The walls on the ground flower feature many jewel-studded pictures of Krishna pastimes such as rasa-lila, julan-yatra and killing of various demons. Here is the amazing swing designed to allow the Eight Gopis to face Radha and Krishna while They all swing together!. Expert Sakhis sing melodious kirtans during these swing festivals.

Vishakha's Kunja

It is the king of kunjas and has four immense Champak trees in each corner. Each tree has different colored flowers of green, yellow, red and bluish-black. Convex shaped door-ways and archways are beautifully constructed with numerous colored leaves and flowers. Intoxicated bumblebee gatekeepers prohibit unwanted people from entering.

Champakalata's Kunja

This is the golden grove, where everything from the soil to the birds in the trees has golden color When Radha wears yellow garments on her beautiful golden body, even Krishna can't detect Her sitting here. Wherever Jatila (Radha's mother in low) snooping, hoping to catch Radha and Krishna, she finds only Krishna, even though golden-complexioned Radha is sitting right next to Her Beloved. Radha and Krishna often dine here relishing the nectarean preparations from Champakalata's famous kitchen.

Indulekha's Kunja

Being maid from moonstone and crystal, everything in Indulekha's kunja is white. There are white cottages, platforms, pavilions and pastime beds. Every flower is of white species such as mallika, lotus and jasmine. Even the leaves of the trees are white. There are also white parrots, pigeons and bees, distinguished only by their sounds. When some “pastime-spoiler”, like Jatila comes on a full-moon night, she can't see Radha and Krishna wearing white clothes and merged within the kunja's white splendor.

Chitra's Kunja

Since Chitra's name means ”variegated and wonderful”, all the living entities within her kunja posses these qualities. The birds, bees, trees and vines are of all possible colors, shapes, shades and tones.

Rangadevi's kunja

This is the dark blue kunja that increases Radha's remembrance and attraction to Krishna -Shyamasundara. Since the soil, benches, cottages, platforms and pavilions are inlaid with blue sapphires , unwanted visitors can't find Radha and Krishna together, because Shyamasundara blends invisibly with the beautiful blue interior of this kunja.

Tungavidya's Kunja

To please Sri Krishna all the trees, leaves, lowers, birds, swings, pavilions and platforms in Tungavidya's crimson grove are red color and the earth is paved with rubies.

Sudevi's Kinja

Everything in this divine playground of Radha and Krishna is green. The cottages, walkways and platforms are entirely covered with artistic designs produced from green emeralds.

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