Monday, April 5, 2010

Radha-kunda & Shyama kunda

“When Radha saw Krishna, She melted in ecstasy and thus assumed the liquid state of the waters of Radha -kunda. In the same way, when Krishna so Radha, H also melted in ecstasy and became the waters of Shyama-kunda. In this way the two lakes bear the names and qualities of the Divine couple...
...The wise say that by approaching these lakes one directly approaches Radha and Krishna.”

Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti , “Vraja-riti-chintamani”

On all four sides of Radha-kunda are jeweled stairways leading down to jeweled bathing ghats which beautify the water's edge. On either side of the ghats are pairs of wonderfully decorated swings hanging from flower-laden trees of Mango, Kadamba, Bakula and Champak. A jeweled bridge connects Radha-kunda with Shyama-kunda. Lining all sides of Radha-kunda are kalpa-vriksha, desire trees bowing down from the weight of their deliciously sweet fruits and intoxicatedly fragrant flowers and vines. Uniquely designed (no two are the same), jeweled platforms standing at different heights embrace the base of these trees. Radha and Krishna aways enjoy sitting on these gem-bedecked platforms, which are interestingly enough cool in the summer, warm in winter.

Surrounding Radha-kunda at selected locations are jeweled cottages wherein The Goddess of the forest of Vrindavana, Vrinda-devi, stores variety of fruits, flowers and other paraphernalia required for the endless host of Divine pastimes performed here. Assisting Vrinda-devi are innumerable forest goddesses,Vana-devis, who maintain the pathways, cottages, swings, ghats and numerous forest groves, or kunjas, where Radha and Krishna sport. Before Radha and Krishna meet these vana-devis prepare the flower cottage with lotus flower-petal beds, thick pillows and back rests, golden jugs filled with honey and varieties of nectar...and many other accessories to facilitate Their transcendental enjoyment. Red, white, blue and yellow lotus flowers color Radha's bathing pond, and their seeping pollen and honey makes Radha's lake ever fresh and sweet.

Just outside of Radha-kunda's gardens and arbors are the six seasonal forests, where Radha and Krishna can enjoy the season of Their choice. Parrots recite sweet poetry describing Their mellow pastimes. Cranes, geese, ducks and swans sing sonorously as they frolic in and near the water's edge. Seeing Sri Krishna approaching and mistaking Him for a monsoon cloud, the jubilant peacocks break into a love-maddened dance.

The gates, canopies, swings, platforms, court-yards and jeweled pathways are all artistically arrayed with the most colorful and fragrant flowers. All those fully satisfying sites, enchanting sounds and fragrances provide a wonderful, festive environment for the pleasure of Srimati Radhika and Sri Krishnachandra.

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