Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Srimati Radharani's Dream

Once Srimati Radharani woke up with a start.

She was next to Sri Krishna on the flower bedecked pastimes bed – and looked with deep questioning eyes into His eyes:

“O My beloved,” She asked, “I dreamt of someone extraordinarily – I am ashamed to admit, He stole My heart. Could it be You, of whom I dreamt – but in a different form? It must be!”

Krishna was smiling: “Tell Me more.”

“I beheld a golden youth. Sometimes He was bursting into tears, calling out “O Krishna, o Krishna!”

At other times He would sigh and call: “O Radha! Mistress of My heart, where are You?”

Then He fell on the ground loosing every little bit of patience left in Him as He drowned His associates in waves of lamentation. It seemed the earth was splitting. Now I want to know, is this golden Brahmin You, My beloved Kanha? Or is He Me, for He is always chanting “Krishna, Krishna” while shedding tears of ecstasy?”

After Sri Krishna had listened to more details of Radharani’s dream He replied mysteriously, “My most beloved Radha. In the past I have shown You so many forms of Mine, such as Narayan as well as Nrsimha, Varaha, Kurma, etc.

Never were You so astonished by seeing them and You were also never bewildered.”

Then Krishna happily paused and gave an order to the Kaustubh jewel which was hanging on His chest: “Jewel, show My beloved Her dream and give Her an answer.”

At this moment the jewel began to light up and spread his effulgence more and more until not a single place was not lit. And then it projected a scene of all the pastimes that Srimati Radharani had seen in Her dream with great detail. In this transcendental film Krishna revealed through his jewel servant that in fact Radha and Krishna had united to become that form of Gouranga who had appeared to taste Their loving ecstasies and then distribute that same love through His ecstatic chanting and dancing.

After Radharani had seen this overwhelming glimpse into the nature of Lord Gauranga, She remembered a prophecy of Garga Risi who had said during the name giving ceremony of Krishna that in the future Lord Krishna would appear in a golden form. Thus, Garga Muni had indicated this most confidential of all the incarnations who continuously drowns the entire universe in rivers of ecstatic love.

My dear devotees, please know that the dream of Radha and the projection of Krishna are the truth. For the Lord there is no difference between dreams and the reality or projections and the reality. Please quickly drink from the cup of faith in Lord Chaitanya and empty it totally. Then the Lord will cast His merciful glance upon you and you will be absorbed in Gaura bhakti.

At that time your heart will be flooded with the beautiful golden rays shining from the toenails of Srimati Radharani – that means you will find shelter under the lotus feet of Radha.

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